BDI ARCHIVE 부산연구원 아카이브

2010년 부산지역 산업연관표

2012년 12월
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제1부 2010년도 부산지역 산업연관표 Ⅰ. 28부문표 -통합대분류표- 28×28 Sector Tables 1. 생산자가격평가표 2 Transaction Table at Producers’ Prices 2. 투입계수표 4 Input Coefficients 3. 생산유발계수표 6 Inverse Matrix Coefficients 4. 부가가치유발계수표 8 Value Added Requirement Coefficients 5-1. 최종수요항목별 생산유발액 10 Domestic Products Induced by Final Demand Items -Actual Value- 5-2. 최종수요항목별 생산유발계수 10 Domestic Products Induced by Final Demand Items -Ratio to Corresponding Final Demand- 5-3. 최종수요항목별 생산유발의존도 11 Domestic Products Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- 6-1. 최종수요항목별 부가가치유발액 12 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Actual Value- 6-2. 최종수요항목별 부가가치유발계수 12 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Ratio to Corresponding Final Demand- 6-3. 최종수요항목별 부가가치유발의존도 13 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- 7. 고용표 14 Employment Table 8. 고용유발계수표 16 Total Employees Requirement Coefficients 9-1. 최종수요항목별 고용유발인원 18 Employees Induced by Final Demand Items -Actual Value- 9-2. 최종수요항목별 고용유발계수 18 Employees Induced by Final Demand Items -Ratio to Corresponding Final Demand- 9-3. 최종수요항목별 고용유발의존도 19 Employees Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- Ⅱ. 77부문표 -통합중분류표- 77×77 Sector Tables 1. 생산자가격평가표 22 Transaction Table at Producers’ Prices 2. 투입계수표 30 Input Coefficients 3. 생산유발계수표 38 Inverse Matrix Coefficients 4. 부가가치유발계수표 46 Value Added Requirement Coefficients 5-1. 최종수요항목별 생산유발액 54 Domestic Products Induced by Final Demand Items -Actual Value- 5-2. 최종수요항목별 생산유발계수 55 Domestic Products Induced by Final Demand Items -Ratio to Corresponding Final Demand- 5-3. 최종수요항목별 생산유발의존도 56 Domestic Products Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- 6-1. 최종수요항목별 부가가치유발액 57 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Actual Value- 6-2. 최종수요항목별 부가가치유발계수 58 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Ratio to Corresponding Final Demand- 6-3. 최종수요항목별 부가가치유발의존도 59 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- 7. 고용표 60 Employment Table 8. 고용유발계수표 62 Total Employees Requirement Coefficients 9-1. 최종수요항목별 고용유발인원 70 Employees Induced by Final Demand Items -Actual Value- 9-2. 최종수요항목별 고용유발계수 71 Employees Induced by Final Demand Items -Ratio to Corresponding Final Demand- 9-3. 최종수요항목별 고용유발의존도 72 Employees Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- Ⅲ. 170부문표 -기본부문표- 170×170 Sector Tables 1. 생산자가격평가표 74 Transaction Table at Producers’ Prices 2. 투입계수표 112 Input Coefficients 3. 생산유발계수표 148 Inverse Matrix Coefficients 4. 부가가치유발계수표 184 Value Added Requirement Coefficients 5-1. 최종수요항목별 생산유발액 220 Domestic Products Induced by Final Demand Items -Actual Value- 5-2. 최종수요항목별 생산유발계수 222 Domestic Products Induced by Final Demand Items -Ratio to Corresponding Final Demand- 5-3. 최종수요항목별 생산유발의존도 224 Domestic Products Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- 6-1. 최종수요항목별 부가가치유발액 226 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Actual Value- 6-2. 최종수요항목별 부가가치유발계수 228 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Ratio to Corresponding Final Demand- 6-3. 최종수요항목별 부가가치유발의존도 230 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- 7. 고용표 232 Value Added Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- 8. 고용유발계수표 234 Total Employees Requirement Coefficients 9-1. 최종수요항목별 고용유발인원 270 Employees Induced by Final Demand Items -Actual Value- 9-2. 최종수요항목별 고용유발계수 272 Employees Induced by Final Demand Items -Ratio to Corresponding Final Demand- 9-3. 최종수요항목별 고용유발의존도 274 Employees Induced by Final Demand Items -Distribution Ratio- 【참고】 부문분류표 278 Sector Classification 제2부 2010년 부산지역 산업연관표 작성 개요 Ⅰ. 개요 287 Ⅱ. 지역산업연관분석에 대한 이론 289 1. 산업연관분석의 발전과정 289 2. 지역산업연관표의 기본체계 290 Ⅲ. 2010년 부산지역 산업연관표 작성 298 1. 부문 및 품목분류 298 2. 작성상의 제원칙 303 3. 부문별 추계방법 303 4. 취업자의 추계 308 Ⅳ. 산업연관표를 이용한 부산지역의 경제구조분석 310 1. 공급과 수요 310 2. 산업구조 313 3. 중간투입과 부가가치 315 4. 중간수요와 최종수요 320 5. 고용구조 324 참고문헌 326